If the business is located in an area that is undergoing regeneration, there is often more money available for new business start-ups or newly established small businesses through business grant funding. Generally, grants only tend to be available for businesses starting up, but the same schemes can apply to newly established businesses. The grants that you are eligible for will depend upon your type of industry, and which sectors are currently in favor. Thus if a prospective business owner tries to get funding through these grants, the lenders will want to go over the entire business plan to ensure that it is a safe investment.
That is why it is important for the entrepreneur to take active steps in preparing a professional, well-written business plan that covers all the aspects of the prospective business idea. But most of all, having a business plan will encourage the entrepreneur to learn about the process of entrepreneurship, engage in novel ways to effectively implement their ideas in the market as well as the risks that must be considered in the new venture.